"Put" yourself on a watermelon diet - it's like a water diet, and in every sense of the word. Because watermelon pulp consists of 95% water.
Watermelon Diet: What's the Point?
The main food in the watermelon diet, as you can guess, is watermelon pulp. Or rather, you need to eat a few slices of watermelon for dessert after breakfast, lunch and dinner, and also eat 3-4 juicy slices of watermelon around 12 noon (lunch time). However, do not go beyond that: in total, you can eat up to 2 kg of watermelon per day, but no more.
The watermelon diet is 90% water. Despite the fact that watermelon is a sugar product, its calorie content is considered low - no more than 40 kcal per 100 g of watermelon pulp. Thanks to this property, watermelon perfectly saturates, relieves hunger pangs, and at the same time is almost immediately absorbed.
In addition to water, watermelons contain a large amount of fiber, which helps to restore the effective functioning of the digestive system and remove excess fluid from the tissues.
Thus, the watermelon diet is an excellent remedy for edema. Together with water, pollutants and toxins are washed out of tissues and skin cells, leaving the skin clean, renewed and looking healthier.
Benefits of the Watermelon Diet
In addition to the fact that the watermelon diet helps to quickly give the figure a seductive slim contour, it also saturates the body with some useful substances. Among them: potassium, magnesium, valuable vitamins A, C, B vitamins and vitamin PP.
A little-known fact that gives the watermelon diet its health food status: watermelon is high in the antioxidant lycopene, which is known for its anti-cancer properties. Therefore, the watermelon diet can be practiced not only for weight loss but also as an effective cancer prevention.
Features of the watermelon diet
Only fresh and ripe fruits are suitable for a watermelon diet. How to choose the right watermelon? In a quality fruit, the peel is dense, and if it is lightly scratched with a fingernail, no dents appear, only the thin top layer "flakes off" easily.
If you hit a watermelon with your palm like a ball, the sound should by no means be deaf, but sonorous, slightly vibrating.
Another important question is how to properly store watermelons during the watermelon diet. Correct answer: In the refrigerator, wrap the fruit cut into pieces in cling film.
At the time of the watermelon diet, it is necessary to focus on protein foods and vegetables, and to exclude sweets, fats and alcohol from the menu for a while. The latter is complete and without exception. The fact is that watermelon in combination with alcohol often causes severe indigestion.
The duration of the watermelon diet should not exceed 10 days, the next course can be carried out no earlier than a month later. These ten days are enough to lose 2-6 kilos in the end.